The Social Engineering Course teaches how to protect against social engineering attacks, covering topics like psychology and advanced tactics.

Course Outline:

1. Course Requirements: Setting Up a Hacking Lab

System Requirements for the course
Downloading and Installing VMware
Downloading and Installing Kali Linux
Setting up Windows 10 in VMware

2. Introduction to Social Engineering

What is Social Engineering?
How Social Engineering Works
Other Social Engineering Techniques
Information Gathering

3. Using UserRecon Tool in Kali Linux

Installing, using, and running the UserRecon tool in Kali Linux 2020

4. Phishing

Understanding Phishing
Lab Setup for Phishing
Creating Phishing Pages
Hosting and Domain Considerations
Making Phishing Pages Fully Undetectable (FUD)
Hacking Computers through Phishing

5. Computer Hacking in Social Engineering

Techniques for hacking into multiple computers
Mass computer compromise methods

6. Hack Android Devices

Mobile Hacking in Social Engineering
Utilizing Kali Linux for Android device exploitation

7. Cloning Websites and Harvesting User Passwords

Techniques for cloning any website and capturing user passwords
Creating phishing pages for Linux users
Redirecting Victims to Malicious Websites or URLs

8. Advanced IP Address Masking: Hiding Your Real URL

Techniques for concealing your real URL and identity
Protecting your anonymity in social engineering attacks

9. Sending Phishing Links to Gmail Inboxes

Strategies for delivering phishing links to Gmail inboxes

10. Utilizing Paid Tools

  • Introduction to paid tools for enhancing social engineering attacks

11. Course Conclusion and Next Steps

  • Recap of course highlights
  • Guidance on further learning and practice


Learn the art and techniques of social engineering, from fundamentals to advanced tools and tactics. This course emphasizes ethical and legal considerations and provides practical knowledge to better protect yourself and your organization.


Huzaifa bin mudasir

Huzaifa Bin Mudassair, a seasoned Website Developer with 5 years of professional experience, adeptly merges creative vision with technical prowess to deliver dynamic and impactful online solutions. Specializing in web development, I bring a proven track record of crafting engaging and functional websites that elevate brands and user experiences. Let's collaborate to transform your digital aspirations into reality.


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