Course Topics:

1. Introduction to AVS Crypters & Viruses:

Understanding the role of crypters in obfuscating malware
Overview of different types of viruses and their functionalities

2. Bypassing AVS Runtime using Base64 Technique:

Learning how to encode and decode malware payloads using Base64
Techniques for evading AV runtime detection

3. Signature Cloning for Runtime Bypass:

Understanding signature-based detection methods
Creating custom signatures to bypass runtime scanning

4. Lifetime Bypass of Windows Defender:

Techniques to circumvent Windows Defender’s detection mechanisms
Implementing strategies for long-term evasion

5. Stub Cleaning:

Methods for removing traces of malicious code from a malware stub
Ensuring stealth and minimizing detection probabilities

6. Manual Encryption of Viruses using Algorithms:

Introduction to encryption algorithms (e.g., AES, RSA)
Hands-on practice in encrypting malware payloads

7. Utilizing Different Algorithms for Virus Cleaning:

Implementing various encryption and obfuscation techniques
Counteracting antivirus programs’ cleaning mechanisms

8. Making Fully Undetectable (FUD) Viruses using C# and HEX:

Leveraging C# programming and hexadecimal manipulation for FUD malware
Ensuring maximum stealth and evading detection

9. Coding Your Own Crypter:

Developing a custom crypter tool to obfuscate malware
Tailoring evasion techniques to specific environments

10. Android Botnet:

Understanding the Android ecosystem and security measures
Developing and deploying Android-based botnets for covert operations


It is important to have a basic understanding of programming languages such as C# and Python.
Familiarity with malware analysis and antivirus software
Understanding of encryption and obfuscation techniques


Huzaifa bin mudasir

Huzaifa Bin Mudassair, a seasoned Website Developer with 5 years of professional experience, adeptly merges creative vision with technical prowess to deliver dynamic and impactful online solutions. Specializing in web development, I bring a proven track record of crafting engaging and functional websites that elevate brands and user experiences. Let's collaborate to transform your digital aspirations into reality.


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