Content List:-

  1. BitLeaker- Subverting BitLocker with One Vulnerability
  2. Complexity Killed Security
  3. Engineering Cybersecurity for a Nation- What Singapore is Learning from Cars and Sanitation
  4. The Black Hat NOC- Greatest Hits and Holy…Cows
  5. Escaping Virtualized Containers
  6. Patching Loopholes- Finding Backdoors in Applications
  7. What the Log-! So Many Events, so Little Time
  8. Securing the Next Version of HTTP- How QUIC and HTTP3 Compare to HTTP2
  9. Misuse of DNS, the Second Most Used Protocol
  10. Faking a Factory- Creating and Operating a Realistic Honeypot
  11. Raiden Glitching Framework
  12. First Contact – Vulnerabilities in Contactless Payments
  13. The Evil Alt-Ego- (ab)using HTTP Alternative Services
  14. The Evil of Spy Camera
  15. Walking Your Dog in Multiple Forests – Breaking AD Trust Boundaries through Kerberos Vulnerabilities
  16. CDPwn- Taking Over Millions of Enterprise-Things with Layer 2 Zero-Days
  17. WIFI-Important Remote Attack Surface- Threat is Expanding
  18. Biometrics & Privacy- Time to Faceoff or is that FaceApp
  19. Attacking and Defending Machine Learning Applications of Public Cloud
  20. Identifying Multi-Binary Vulnerabilities in Embedded Firmware at Scale
  21. Redback- Advanced Static Binary Injection
  22. Store-to-Leak Forwarding- There and Back Again
  23. ZombieLoad- Leaking Data on Intel CPUs
  24. Back to the Future. Cross-Protocol Attacks in the Era of 5G
  25. 3d Red Pill- A Guest-to-Host Escape on QEMUKVM Virtio Device
  26. Page Cache Attacks- Microarchitectural Attacks on Flawless Hardware
  27. Wi-Fi Brokering
  28. May the Trust be with You- Empowering TrustZone-M with Multiple Trusted Environments
  29. Kr00k- How KRACKing Amazon Echo Exposed a Billion+ Vulnerable Wi-Fi Devices
  30. From an URGENT11 Vulnerability to a Full Take-Down of a Factory Using a Single Packet
  31. Hey Google, Activate Spyware! – When Google Assistant Uses a Vulnerability as a Feature
  32. Making an Impact from India to the Rest of the World by Building & Nurturing Women Infosec Community
  33. Demystify Today’s Binary Disassembling and How Modern ABI Makes it Easier
  34. Win the 0-Day Racing Game Against Botnet in Public Cloud
  35. Tracking the Criminal of Fake News Based on a Unified Embedding
  36. The Inside Story- There are Apps in Apps and Here is How to Break Them
  37. Adversary Detection Pipelines- Finally Making Your Threat Intel Useful
  38. Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Techniques to Address Native Code Obfuscation
  39. Locknote- Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Day 1
  40. Locknote- Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Day 2


Huzaifa bin mudasir

Huzaifa Bin Mudassair, a seasoned Website Developer with 5 years of professional experience, adeptly merges creative vision with technical prowess to deliver dynamic and impactful online solutions. Specializing in web development, I bring a proven track record of crafting engaging and functional websites that elevate brands and user experiences. Let's collaborate to transform your digital aspirations into reality.


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