Course Description:

The “Hack2ed Gening” course is an in-depth program designed to equip participants with a profound understanding of ethical hacking. Covering a wide range of topics, from setting up hacking environments to advanced techniques in website and Android exploitation, this course provides hands-on experience and practical demonstrations.

Course Curriculum:

1. Introduction

Introduction to the Hack2ed ethical hacking course and an overview of its objectives.

2. Setup Hacking Environment

Step-by-step guidance on downloading and installing Metasploitable OS in VMware, as well as setting up Windows 10 in a virtual environment.

3. Linux Basics

Introduction to Linux terminal and fundamental commands.

4. Anonymity

Setting up and utilizing basic VPN in Windows, understanding TOR, and configuring TOR in Kali Linux for anonymous browsing. Exploration of the deep web and dark web.


Understanding footprinting, whois lookup, the harvester, Nmap, and social media doxing.

6. Email & Call & SMS Bombing

Practical demonstrations of call bombing, SMS bombing, and email bombing techniques.


Explanation of DOS and DDOS attacks with practical demonstrations, including a DOS attack using Slowloris and router-based DOS attacks.

8. Cryptography

Covering the basics of cryptography, including MD5 hashes and techniques for encryption, decryption, and message embedding in images.

9. Brute Force

Understanding brute force attacks, creating custom wordlists using Crunch, and utilizing brute force for social media account hacking.

10. Phishing

In-depth exploration of phishing techniques, including practical demonstrations. Introduction to tools like Social Fish for phishing.

11. HoneyPot

Understanding what a honeypot is and practical implementation of a basic honeypot.

12. WiFi Hacking

Exploring techniques for cracking WEP encryption, including fake authentication attacks, packet injection methods, and more.

13. MitM (Man in the Middle Attack)

Introduction to ARP poisoning theory, Bettercap basics, ARP poisoning using Bettercap, and spying on network devices.

14. Website Hacking

Understanding how websites function, installing DVWA web application, practical demonstrations of SQL injection, XSS, file upload vulnerabilities, and using vulnerability scanners.

15. Windows Hacking

Introduction to Windows hacking, creating payloads, using Veil Evasion, and leveraging the Beef framework for fake updates.

16. Useful Scripts

Introduction to various scripts that can be used in ethical hacking scenarios.

17.Android Hacking

Exploring techniques for binding payloads in APKs, exploiting Android devices, and using social engineering tricks for Android hacking.

18. Hack Outside Network

Understanding the theory behind hacking outside networks, including practical demonstrations using various methods such as V.P.S port forwarding.

19. Bonus

A concluding video summarizing the course.

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of ethical hacking techniques, allowing participants to gain practical experience across various hacking scenarios and applications.


Huzaifa bin mudasir

Huzaifa Bin Mudassair, a seasoned Website Developer with 5 years of professional experience, adeptly merges creative vision with technical prowess to deliver dynamic and impactful online solutions. Specializing in web development, I bring a proven track record of crafting engaging and functional websites that elevate brands and user experiences. Let's collaborate to transform your digital aspirations into reality.


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